SonarPen interview on Apple Daily
Thank you @appledailyhk@as.appleseed for featuring the SonarPen. 果籽: 如果想用Apple Pencil,又唔想買咁貴,就可以試吓用呢枝SonarPen,即刻慳返筆!
SonarPen on iCable News
What a thrill to have @icablenews at the office today. Thank you for your interest in our @kickstarter journey for the #SonarPen! #有線新聞
SonarPen at Engadget office
As huge fans of the #engadget, we were so nervous to present the #SonarPen to the pros at the @engadget office today! #Engadget, Thank you so much for your time and for the amazing feedback! Thanks for the vote of confidence and we can’t wait…